Sign In

Welcome to The Food Group’s volunteer site! 

Please sign in or create an account. All are welcome.

All of the information for each event is carefully listed. Don't hesitate to reach out to the volunteer team for any concerns or questions.

Lonny Evans, Volunteer Manager of Anti-Hunger Initiatives 

  1. Follow prompts to sign up or create an account.  

  2. If signing up for the first time, you are only required to enter name (note that the salutation is not required), date of birth, and email address. A working email address allows us to contact you with reminders and announcements.  

Corporate Groups: please email Lonny Evans

Individuals & Community Groups: please email Marena Ekblad

Thank you for your interest in supporting The Food Group. Together, we can build a stronger food system that ensures we all have equitable access to nutritious, culturally connected foods. All are welcome. Onsite parking and wheelchair access is available.

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